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Bloodbath? The Ratio of Civilian Casualties in the Gaza War

1 February 2024


Mid East Journal

2024-02-05 0024

The discussion around civilian casualties in the Gaza conflict raises complex moral and ethical questions about warfare. In every armed conflict, including the ongoing situation in Gaza, the issue of collateral damage, or unintended civilian deaths, is a significant concern. Despite efforts to target militants, the reality of militants operating within civilian populations in Gaza makes some level of civilian casualties seem inevitable. Comparatively, data suggests that the civilian death toll in Gaza is relatively low when compared to other recent urban conflicts. However, the accuracy of these figures is debated, as the Gaza Health Ministry, controlled by Hamas, does not distinguish between civilian and militant deaths, which could skew the numbers.

Technological advancements have led to more precise military strikes, contributing to a decline in civilian death rates over time. Yet, the shift to warfare in dense urban areas increases risks to civilians. Historical data shows varying civilian death rates across different conflicts, with the Israel-Hamas conflict not appearing as an outlier when considering the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths.

Analyzing the ratio of civilian casualties per bomb dropped provides another perspective. For instance, the civilian fatality rate in Gaza is lower than in other conflicts like the battle for Mosul or the Russia-Ukraine war, based on the number of munitions used and reported civilian deaths.

However, the reliability of civilian casualty data from Gaza is questioned due to the lack of transparency and potential inclusion of militant deaths in civilian death counts. This ambiguity complicates efforts to accurately assess the proportionality of force used in the conflict. Despite Israel's argument that its actions are justified under international law due to threats from Hamas, the debate over the proportionality and justification of the conflict remains, with the true impact on civilians difficult to ascertain fully. The discussion underscores the tragedy of loss and the complexities of modern warfare, where the distinction between combatant and civilian casualties is often blurred, and the justification of actions is heavily debated.

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