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Facts about the origin and meaning of the word Genocide, and its misuse by the Hamas.

2024-01-15 (268)

- South Africa has so many internal issues, you can't help but wonder why they hurry to accuse Israel of an imaginary blood libel on behalf of #hamas .
It makes #southafrica a proxy of the #hamas terror organization.

- Hamas is a proxy of Iran. Their charter declares that their goal is the genocide of all #Jews and the annihilation of the state of Israel,

- Israel was dragged to war by the brutal #atrocities of #Hamas,

- The absurd is that Israel needs to defend itself against preposterous allegations of genocide in the International Court of Justice (#icj)

Now is the time for the ICJ to redirect its attention towards the actual war criminals – Hamas, Iran, and all their other partners.
The time has come to hold them accountable for their atrocities.

Noa Tishby with the facts about the origin and meaning of the word Genocide, and its misuse by the messengers of Hamas.

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