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Soccer broadcaster Hernan Feller calls for the release of his kidnapped aunt.

2023-11-21 (#139)

Hernan Feller is one of the biggest soccer broadcasters in Argentina. Everyone knows his voice, both on the radio and on television 🎙📺
Harnan is also a Jew who loves Israel. And he has a direct connection to 7/10: his aunt, Ofelia Reutman, was kidnapped to Gaza from Kibbutz Bari 💔
Since then, at the start of every game, he delivers a tremendous monologue to all of Argentina in which he demands the release of the kidnapped, including his beloved aunt.

Video Transcription:

Argentina: Boca vs. Newell׳s
It has been 36 days since the October 7th massacre in Israel.
We continue to strongly condemn
The Hamas terrorist organization.
There are 239 hostages.
I am emotionally invested,
Even more invested than others.
[Hernán Feller, Argentinian football broadcaster]
First of all, because my aunt was kidnapped, 77 year old Ophelia.
They took her from kibbutz Nir Oz.
And what happened, is not a war,
It is a massacre by a terrorist organization
That abhors life, against civilians.
And that is why this is something I cannot stay silent about.
I had to do something
And since I have the opportunity,
I have a “good weapon” as they say,
Which is the microphone,
To use it to tell everyone what is happening.
To try and raise awareness,
So they know the truth about what is happening.
Bring back Ophelia,
Bring back all the hostages.
We are waiting for them.
Even before I asked for permission
To do this on television and radio,
I got a call from the heads of the TV channel and the radio
They gave me the freedom to do what I want,
And before the first match,
I asked one of the executives
If I can condemn Hamas
And speak on behalf of the hostages.
And he said, of course I can.
Many people, especially in Israel,
I received hundreds of messages,
They said it helped them feel like they are not alone
And that someone so far from where you are
Is crying out on their behalf.
That in order for us to have a better world
We must raise our voices, we cannot keep quiet.
We can be afraid, but fear cannot paralyze us.
We need and demand that they return home
That they return to their families.
That they get back the life that they had.
The life you and I have.
We are waiting for all the victims
To be able to return home.
We must not stop demanding so that it is not forgotten.
We must continue to ask, shout, demand and pray.
So that they can all return home.
#free people in our land
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